Friday, 17 April 2009

The Carp Cup

The Carp Cup is being held on 9th and 10th May 2009, and it is my hope it will become an annual event thereafter.

The cup is being contested not only between men, but also between England and Hong Kong.

The English event is at Cutons Fishery – Specimen Lake 2. The website for the fishery is here:

Lake Website

The Honk Kong event is taking place at Pak Nai.

The rules are very simple:

All competitors must abide by any fishery rules.
Respect other anglers at all times.
No litter.
The treatment of fish is of the highest priority.
Two rods maximum per man.
Only limited alcohol in-take is permitted during the match.
Should a man land a fish worthy of being weighed, there will be a designated man who should adjudicate and record – paper and pens will be required for this.
The man with the largest fish wins the trophy, and his team wins the team event – next year I will try and get another trophy for the heaviest amount of fish. The trophy will be engraved with the winning team and team member; however, it will remain in the UK. I have asked if it could be placed next to The Ashes at Lord's.
Only carp count.
The Hong Kong team is called “The Honker's Haulers”, and will be fishing from 8:30 (their time) to 18:00 on 9th May. There is a paucity of over-night kit in HK it seems. Honk Kong is seven hours ahead of the UK.
The English team is called “The English Elite”, and will be fishing from 11:00AM on 9th to close of play on 10th. I advise that people arrive in plenty of time to set up and have a chat prior to the start time.

“The Honker's Haulers” team is made up as follows:


Well done to Carpa in organising his end of the event.
“The English Elite” team is made up as follows:

Cowley1963 Paid £15 - Thank you
Cowley1963 Junior Paid £15 - Thank you
Tryzard - Alan Paid £30 - Thank you
His Noble Lordship
Yours Truly

Sadly, Fishboy2008 had to drop out owing to unforeseen circumstances. He sends everyone his best wishes.

So the Honkers have more manpower, but the Elites have more time.

Should anyone have any queries about this please either mail me (preferable), or call me on my fishing mobile number: 07505 607102. PLEASE NOTE – THIS IS NOT MY USUAL NUMBER.

If there is anything I have missed, please let me know.

May the best team win, but most of all, let us all enjoy it.

Many thanks,




  1. Good luck everyone. If anyone is interested the Google Earth coordinates for our pond in Hong Kong are:


    Easterly breezes are forecast and sunny intervals with a max of 27 degrees C and 55-85% humidity.
