Friday, 13 February 2009

The Secret Carp by Chris Yates

First published in 1992 by Merlin Unwin Books, second edition published in 1997. Hard cover copy: 171 pages.

Amazon link

This is a magisterial, masterful piece of work, and will surely become a modern classic. Chris Yates is a fisherman and also a highly talented author, which is a rare but lovely combination. The book is beautifully written and Mr Yates so infuses the work with his delight at Nature, his joy in his surroundings, and his love of all life's bounty, he has almost made himself part of Mother Nature's very fabric.

The book is an account of a day and night spent fishing and wandering around a delightful, but secret lake. As time passes, he also recounts some of the many and varied stories that have populated his busy angling life. But there is much more to it than a series of events. Slowly, and with some humour, Mr Yates gradually reveals to us not just a means of fishing or passing time by a misty carp lake; he allows us into the gentle folds of his fishing and life philosophy. It is almost a symphony to fishing, to Nature, and to Life.

This is not a “Hot To” book; there are no diagrams of fancy rigs; and sometimes the fishing seems almost incidental. In fact, Mr Yates shows a great disdain towards modern carp fishing tactics and many modern carp fishing practitioners. He is old fashioned - yes; a little eccentric – yes; but he makes you think, and even question why you go fishing. His points are so well made and his writing so fluid and evocative, he transports you to a timeless world of dappling trees, gently lapping waves, and the music of the birds and animals that surround him as he blends effortless into his natural habitat.

I could read this book again and again, and if you want to do more than simply net large fish, you must read this sublime piece of work.

It is a stunning, beautiful, and joyously crafted work of art.

Thank you Mr Yates.


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